This is Tamara, your Dating and Relationship Coach. Let’s get down to it.

Words have so much power and in your partner’s case, they are powerful on a different level. This is not a want, your partner NEEDS words of affirmation from you.

They need to hear how you feel about them, their actions and their character in order to feel loved. The words need to be heartfelt and made with eye contact so save your words for sincere moments.

Be sure to take the free Love Languages assessment by Dr. Gary Chapman. Understanding your partner’s love language(s) could bring you SO much closer and save your relationship. You do not want to guess and you may have more than one.

Any loving words will connect you and bring you closer as a couple: they could be words of adoration, sexy, respect, appreciation, flirtation, admiration,

Not sure what he/she wants to hear or when to say it? Ask your partner for examples of times when words would mean the most to them.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
Here are 12 ideas to help your partner feel loved and connected to you.

1.Congratulate them on an achievement at work
2.Tell your partner you are proud of them for their accomplishment
3.Say you appreciate how they helped out more today
4.Express how much you love them and why
5.Let them know how much you enjoyed the restaurant they chose
6.Say how much you appreciate what they do for the family
7.Tell your partner how attractive they are or how nice they look
8.Express how safe you feel with your partner
9.Thank them for how they tried something new for you
10.Write “I love you” in the snow or sand
11.Speak highly of your partner in front of others
12.Leave your partner a romantic voicemail on their office phone


You will forget to share your feelings enough since this is not your love language. Leave yourself reminders to make this conscious effort and it will become a habit.

Give yourself some grace, it will take time to learn this language. Ask your partner to gently remind you when they need more and ask questions when you need to. You two will become so much closer for this effort you are putting in.

The book “5 Love Languages” by Dr. Gary Chapman is amazing too. Turn to the chapter with your partner’s language.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

Want to talk about your love languages and how to get you better connected? Is nothing you are doing reassuring your partner or improving your relationship? Reach out to me anytime at Let’s get you the dating life you deserve.

Want to see my personal dating stories? Yep! I am dating too! Laugh, shock and awe with a little eye rolling. Go to YouTube Tamara TrueConnection and hit subscribe. If you want to know when my next video appears, hit the notification button.

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