Your partner’s love language is Gifts, yours is not. What does Gifts really mean? 


What are Love Languages? Dr. Gary Chapman developed the most amazing system to help us understand how we and our partner need to receive love. This is not a want, your partner NEEDs this from you.

Photo Of People Seated On Couch

Be sure to take the free Love Languages assessment by Dr. Gary Chapman. Understanding your partner’s love language(s) could bring you SO much closer and save your relationship. You do not want to guess your love language and you may have more than one, have your partner take it too.

What are Love Languages? Dr. Gary Chapman developed the most amazing system to help us understand how we and our partner need to receive love. Your love language is how you give and need to receive affection.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

Gifts means your partner feels loved when you provide a gift of any size.  Just being thoughtful goes a long way, it does not have to be expensive.  A gift is a gesture that means you thought of him/her and then bought or created something.  


Here are 11 ways to help your partner feel loved and no, this does not have to be expensive. 

  • Walk in with her favorite flowers on a random day
  • Find out when her favorite band is coming to town and buy tickets
  • Leave romantic notes around the house
  • Put his favorite candy in his car
  • Listen for a place they want to go for dinner and make a reservation
  • Gather your partner’s favorite foods and take them on a picnic
  • Bake their favorite treat
  • Rent their favorite movie and snuggle up
  • You hear them say they need more warm socks, buy them in their favorite color
  • Holidays will be important. Put alerts on your calendar to remind you to shop.
  • Put treats and surprises in your partner’s suitcase before a business trip – one for every day they will be away


It could be spontaneous or a well-thought-out holiday. Something personal, not just a random flower- a flower you know she likes. Not concert tickets you would like, but ones he would like. It is the thought behind the gift not the price tag.  


Your partner will be buying or making things for you which will give you ideas or things to do for them. Listen carefully, your partner will tell his/her favorite things, point out what they like or leave hints around the house.  You could even call a friend to see if he/she has mentioned something lately. 


Tip: Buy things throughout the year. When your partner mentions something they want,  buy it the next day and or put a note in your phone so you can buy it later. Some things are seasonal so make your purchases when things are available. Keeping notes will make holidays a breeze. If its a special gift, wrap it. The wrapping to your partner feels like another gift.

If you want to learn more about love languages or your partner has more than one love language read or listen to Dr. Gary Chapman’s Book. The 5 Love Languages. 


The book “5 Love Languages” by Dr. Gary Chapman is amazing too. It explains what love languages are and then in detail how you can show love and affection to your partner in their love language. 

What are Love Languages? Dr. Gary Chapman developed the most amazing system to help us understand how we and our partner need to receive love. Your love language is how you give and need to receive affection.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

Want to talk about your love languages and how to get you better connected? Reach out to me anytime at You got this!


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