Here are 11 ideas to show your partner how much you love and appreciate them.


This is Tamara, your Dating and Relationship Coach. Let’s get down to it.


Acts of Service means your partner feels love when you do things for them. Doing things may feel like a cold way to show care and not loving at all to you, but to your partner your help is blissfully loving.


What are Love Languages? It is how we give and receive love. Dr. Gary Chapman developed the most amazing system to help us understand ourselves and our partner. The book is a great reference to learn more. Here is the link:

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts


Be sure to take the free Love Languages assessment by Dr. Gary Chapman. Understanding your partner’s love language(s) could bring you SO much closer and save your relationship. You do not want to guess and you may have more than one.


When you do things for your partner it will bring you closer and intimacy will follow.  Pay attention, your partner will say what they need or you will notice what they need.


When you see your partner in a hurry or overwhelmed, ask what they need and do it.


Here are some possibilities, but follow your partner’s lead. If your partner likes to do laundry, don’t take over that task, choose something they don’t like to



These acts would be in addition to your normal routine.

  • Run errands
  • Take the car in for an oil change
  • Bathe the children
  • Make your partner’s coffee/tea
  • Clean up after the dog
  • Bake for the family get together
  • Do the grocery shopping
  • Empty the dishwasher
  • Make the vacation reservations
  • Do some of the holiday shopping
  • Run them a hot bath and take over the chores


You will forget to do enough and help out enough since this is not your love language. Leave yourself reminders to make this conscious effort and it will become a habit. You two will become so much closer.


Give yourself some grace, it will take time to learn this language. Ask your partner to gently remind you when they need more from you and ask questions when you need to. You two will become so much closer for this effort you are putting in.


Is nothing you are doing reassuring your partner or improving your relationship? Reach out to me anytime at Let’s get you the connected relationship you crave.


Want to see my personal dating stories? Yep! I am dating too! Laugh, shock and awe with a little eye rolling. Go to YouTube Tamara TrueConnection and hit subscribe. If you want to know when my next video appears, hit the notification button.


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