Ok, so you are spending a holiday alone, you can be alone and still have a good time. You can do both, so let’s do that.
You may feel sad and lonely, that is alright. Take some time to miss your loved one or wish that you had someone with you. Then let’s have some fun! All it takes is a little planning and the right spirit.
Remember when you were 4 and a cardboard box was fun? Get out that part of you and choose to see the fun, joy, and peace in the little things.
Let’s set up your holiday fun using all of your 5 senses. Here are some ideas to spark your imagination. Choose activities that inspire you, intrigue you, or bring you back to a happy time.
- Sight – what do you love to look at?
- Go to the zoo
- Take a nature walk somewhere you love or somewhere new
- Gaze at the stars
- Light a candle
- Add some sparkle by plugging in some twinkle lights
- Take a drive through a beautiful area
- Watch a movie that makes you crack up
- Hearing
- Play your favorite music
- Play music from your favorite movie, musical, or time period
- Sit outside – close your eyes and listen to the wind, birds, children laughing…
- Listen to the waves, a fountain, or the rain
- Turn on a nature sound app or video
- Listen to a new or favorite book on tape
- Tune in to a podcast or video by a person you follow that inspires you
- Touch
- Put on something cozy
- Soak in a warm bubble bath
- Indulge in some scented body lotion
- Cuddle up and take a long-awaited nap
- Put on something that makes you feel incredible, attractive, or vivacious
- Spend the morning in bed with a warm drink – journal or read
- Taste
- Find a new recipe and cook up something delicious
- Watch Great British Baking Show – it will make you smile and inspire you to try your hand at baking
- Buy a new kind of beverage – do you like it? Not like it? Why?
- Indulge in your favorite beverage – sip it, drink it slowly. How does it really taste?
- Savor your food. Intentionally taste every bite.
- Smell – Mmm what scents speak to you?
- Sit outside and close your eyes, take in the scents
- Light a scented candle to add a special aroma to your home
- Turn on your aromatherapy – look up what scents inspire different sensations
- Cuddle up in something that has a comforting smell
- Bake or cook something scrumptious – your whole home will thank you
- Add calming aromatic salts to your bath or a shower disc
Hopefully, a lot of these ideas appeal to you. Did you notice that many of these ideas combine more than one sense? You are going to get quite the lift from many of these because different parts of you will come alive!
- Bath – touch, smell
- Visit to the zoo – sight, smell, hearing, touch
- Watching a movie – sight, touch, hearing
- Cooking – taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight
- Walk – hearing, sight, touch, smell
You can have quite a wonderful day by yourself! You can still miss your loved one or wish you had someone with you AND honor yourself.
Take advantage of this time off. You deserve some peace and joy during those times that you wish things were different. Focus on what you do have, be grateful for what is going well, make plans, light that fire of hope, and write down your hopes and dreams.
You got this. Happiness is found in the little things. Go grab those moments for yourself.
Looking for more ways to feel less lonely? Check out this blog:
Contact me anytime to get you the love and relationship you want: https://trueconnection.coach/
Take good care,