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Changed your mind? Say it!
It is ok to change your mind. Just say it! Don't disappear. Dating can be tough no matter what side you are on. What makes things easier is being honest. [...]
What kind of premarital counseling is good for us?
You are getting married! Congratulations! Now you want to be sure that you are both ready for this exciting new journey. There are 5 options designed to prepare you [...]
Why Don’t I Like My Date? They Are Attractive and Great…on Paper….
There are two reasons you don’t like them - you don't feel a connection. This is Tamara, your Dating and Relationship Coach rooting for you!  Here is the first. [...]
Why does my partner always have to be right when we argue?
Does your partner care more about being right than working through things with you? Let’s talk about why that is happening and how to bring your argument to a healing [...]